Well I thought I would blog some this morning. Since I am so bored and tired of sitting in bed lol.
I need to update about the rest of the week anyway! Let's see, where did I leave off? Oh yea, Monday afternoon.
So Monday night my best friend (what would I do without her?!) brought us supper! It was so sweet! She brought us lasagna, salad, garlic bread and me some Mt. Dews! She knows how I like my Mt. Dews! LOL. Supper was so good! I haven't had lasagna in a while, so it was nice!!
Tuesday, was the same ole same ole. We were expecting a visitor though, Dan from the prosthetic place was coming to change my dressing. When he didn't come by 11:30 a.m., Tim decided he was going to try and change it for me, bless his heart! He did try, but the bandages were sticking to my stitches so I asked him to stop. That afternoon, instead of Dan coming, Jason came. It did hurt when he changed them, but I knew it had to be done. Now it won't have to be done again until next Tuesday.
That evening Sis Pat and Brother Wayne came from church and brought us some chicken n dumplin's (Sis Pats dumplin's are wonderful), and they brought cornbread and peach cobbler. It was so nice of them!!
Wednesday, nothing special! Again, just sitting around. Tim's cousin and aunt came to see us though, which was nice. Molly just loves Shelia (Tim's cousin), and Shelia offered to let Molly come stay with her for a few days. I agreed, so that Molly wouldn't have to be bored here! But I sure have missed her!!!
Thursday, yesterday, noone came all day! So I didn't even go in the living room until last night. My mom came and it was nice. I always love to see her! She brought us supper! And some extra stuff as well. Yummy fried chicken, mashed taters, baked beans, and of course Mt. Dew!!! Yummm! She stayed for a little while and had to leave to go home. I hated to see her go.
Today, well I am just sitting here now. It is almost 11 a.m. and I am waiting on Tim to get home with Molly. I miss her so much!!! Jack is in the living room playing with his PSP, and Harley is with Tim.-I created a new group called Tennessee Amputees. When I searched Yahoo Groups for an amputee group, I found tons, but none local. So I decided to create one. It is not only for amputees but also for their friends/family members.
Tomorrow, I am hoping to get out of the house. Even if it is to just go to the store. I have been cooped up for a week!! LOL.
Well I guess I will close this now. I don't know how long my entries are suppose to be, but I don't want them to be so long that it will seem boring. Which right now, everything about me is pretty boring lol.
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