Thursday, July 17, 2008

New Leg/foot......

Well here I am! I got my new leg/foot on Tuesday, July 15th! This is just the first of many! I won't get my permenant one for another year or so. Got to give my body time for all of the adjustments.
I am now up and walking some! I can't put all of my weight on it yet, but gradually I will build up! So far so good!
It is so heavy! But it is actually no heavier then what my normal foot/leg was before it was cut off. It is just where my leg has felt so light for a month!
It is definately working muscles too! They hurt, but I am sure will get better with time!
I start physical therapy Monday, so that will help too. Then next Wednesday, I will go back to the prosthetic place and will get fitted for a "socket". Once I get that in about a month, I will get another foot.
Yeehaw, I am just moving right along! I am so glad that everything is going so smoothly!! But I also know I couldn't do any of this without the Lord!
I will keep updating as things progress! Hopefully it will keep going as well as it has so far! Praise the Lord!


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